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Will of God 1

Will of God(A Christian Love Story) Written by: Joy Chidera Albert “I want to spend some time alone with God at the park,” I announced, not wanting to look at my parent’s faces. They had always prevented me from going out alone since I was a child, except going to school or Uni. Well, that […]

Latest WordUp Review 2023 – Is it worth the hype?

What is Wordup? WordUp is an AI-based English language learning app for all speakers. If you’re interested in learning the English language, or you’re a native speaker who just wants to improve your vocabulary, then WordUp is for you. Unlike other language learning platforms, WordUp makes learning pleasurable. So while it’s helping you learn and […]

My Crush (MC) 1

My Crush (A Christian Story) Written by: Joy Chidera Albert. Joy Hmm, what a day. The career test didn’t even go as planned but it doesn’t matter anyway. We sha did the test even though we’re already in senior class. ‘Haha,’ I laughed as I remembered the test. It was night time already, and here […]